Anxiety, Stress, Worry, Shyness, and Panic
Many adults, teens, kids, and seniors have trouble with stress and anxiety. For some people, they experience panic attacks or social shyness, while for others, they experience uncontrollable worry, stress headaches, or trouble sleeping.
Anxiety is fairly common – In fact, 1 in 20 people in Canada will struggle with problematic anxiety at some point in their lifetime. You are not alone.
Some symptoms of chronic anxiety include:
- Chronic, excessive, and uncontrollable worry,
- Feelings of panic or nighttime anxiety
- Feeling constantly “on edge”,
- Being easily fatigued,
- Difficulty concentrating,
- Irritability
- Constant muscle tension, and
- Problems sleeping.

Treatment for Anxiety
Counselling and psychotherapy are very effective in the treatment of anxiety. In a recent Canadian study, 77% of those receiving short-term cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) (12-16 sessions of cognitive re-evaluation, problem-solving training, and exposure) remained free of problematic anxiety one year after treatment. Other therapies that can be helpful include mindfulness meditation and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).
At Brookside Psychologists, our licensed therapists provide compassionate and effective treatment to help with anxiety. Finding a therapist can be a confusing process. Please don’t hesitate to contact us – let us help you navigate to find the help you need. Contact us today.